

Affordable Domains

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Domain Pricing

.com1 Year$10.70$12.00$15.20
.org1 Year$8.00$10.00$13.50
.co.uk1 Year$7.90$7.90$10.00
.net1 Year$12.00$12.00$14.00
.website1 Year$2.00$02.50$05.00
.dev1 Year$13.50$13.50$15.00
.app1 Year$15.50$15.50$18.00
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Customers Reviews

My WpHost has been around for a while, and for customers who have hosted with us for a while are saying, it's easy to use, fast and very affordable. With a variety of plans to choose from, mywphost is just the right fit for you.

I have been using mywphost for the past 3 years and I love their services, its super easy to use it and WordPress hosting is my favorite because I love flexibility. Exceptional customer support and technical team is very skilled to handle critical issues with my sites.

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John Wilkinson company People

I’m a long time system administrator with years of hosting experience. What mywphost has managed to create is essentially the perfect managed solution. But with cloud as the backend. Just anyone can manage is server through cPanel. And, you don’t have to know Linux at all. Support is always helpful.

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Alex Gilbatty Tiksi Solutions

Migrating to mywphost has really helped us get a handle on our hosting and server ops costs. The simplicity of the management dashboard, combined with the amazing chat support lets us reduce our cost for outsourced server ops services.

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Laura Mills Azome Enterprise